Chase and Brook Lynn take steps to safeguard Violet

General Hospital Recap for Monday, June 24, 2024
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General Hospital Daily Recaps (Monday, June 24, 2024)
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Monday, June 24, 2024

Molly arrived home and found T.J. waiting for her. When he remarked about her being late, she explained that she'd been held up at work, but T.J. suspected she'd been trying to avoid going home. Molly assured him that she truly had been busy with work. T.J. let it drop and shared that he'd ordered dinner, but Molly decided to shower first because she'd had a late lunch. She started to go the bathroom, but T.J. asked her to wait because he hoped to talk.

T.J. promised that he was not trying to stir things up, but Molly pointed out that there wasn't much to say, since she couldn't change the past. To Molly's surprise, T.J. explained that he wanted to apologize. "I've been a total ass," he said. T.J. admitted that he'd let his anxiety take over, and it had been wrong of him to blame Molly for choosing Kristina as their surrogate because he'd agreed with the decision. T.J. regretted that he'd made Molly feel as if she couldn't confide in him, but he assured her that she had his full support.

Molly became emotional as she confessed that she was scared because she kept having panicked thoughts. With a little gentle prodding from T.J., Molly opened up. "I'm afraid that when the time comes, Kristina's not going to be able to let go of our child," Molly tearfully said. T.J. hugged her "What if we were wrong to trust my sister?" Molly asked.

T.J. admitted that it was his worst nightmare, but he suspected a lot of people in their position shared the same fear about their surrogates. He reminded Molly that they had accepted Kristina's generous gift because they wanted a child, and he pointed out that Kristina loved Molly. Molly conceded that being a mother was the furthest thing from Kristina's mind, and her sister was exploring a new relationship. Molly doubted that Kristina wanted to be up all night with a screaming baby.

T.J. teasingly insisted that their baby would not scream, so Molly smiled and agreed that their child would be perfect. Once she began to relax, T.J. apologized again, and he suggested that they both have a little faith in Kristina. "I'll try if you will," Molly said. T.J. smiled. "Deal," he replied. Molly admitted that she shouldn't have kept things from T.J., but he acknowledged that she'd had good reason to worry about his reaction.

As Molly and T.J. snuggled on the sofa and talked about how their lives would change once the baby arrived, Molly suggested that they make the most of the time they had alone. T.J. was curious what she had in mind, so she kissed him passionately. Moments later, they stripped off each other's clothes and made love.

At Pozzulo's, Kristina stopped by Sonny's office with a gift. He was pleasantly surprised by the visit -- and delighted when she handed him a small bag filled with locally grown organic garlic cloves. Inspired, Sonny offered to make dinner, but Kristina explained that Blaze was picking her up because they had plans. As if on cue, Blaze and Natalia entered the office. After everyone exchanged greetings, Natalia shared that she and Blaze had been shopping, so she had decided to tag along and say hello to Sonny.

When Sonny offered to cook dinner for everyone, Natalia, Blaze, and Kristina agreed to stay. Natalia offered to help Sonny in the kitchen, but he playfully asked Blaze how Natalia was in the kitchen. Blaze admitted that her mother was a pretty good cook. After Natalia and Sonny went to the kitchen to start dinner, Blaze acknowledged that things were a lot different since Natalia had caught her and Kristina in bed together, but Blaze wouldn't have changed a thing. Kristina felt the same way.

Later, Sonny, Natalia, Kristina, and Blaze were seated in a booth as they enjoyed dinner and listened to Natalia's embarrassing stories about Blaze's childhood. Everyone was having a good time until Ava entered. "Isn't this cozy," Ava said as she approached the booth. Ava explained that she had stopped by to see if Sonny wanted to grab dinner, but the dinner that Sonny had made looked delightful. Natalia sang Sonny's praises as a master chef, prompting Sonny to return the compliment to Natalia.

Ava's smile was brittle as she suggested that she grab a chair, but Kristina objected. "There's no way in hell I am sharing a meal with the woman who stabbed my mother in the back," Kristina said. Kristina angrily confronted Ava about her efforts to get Alexis disbarred because Alexis had been "mean" to Julian, but Ava argued that it had gone deeper than that. Kristina accused Ava of not having the courage to attach Ava's name to the complaint, but Ava was unapologetic. Ava reminded Kristina that Alexis had lied under oath, but Kristina shot back that Ava was a hypocrite.

Sonny asked someone to fill him in, so Ava decided to let Kristina do the honors. Ava assured Sonny that she would tell him the "unbiased version" when he arrived home. After Ava left, Kristina told her father about Ava's plot to get Alexis disbarred. Kristina couldn't understand why Sonny lived under the same roof with the woman who had caused their family so much pain. Natalia praised Kristina for standing up for her mother. Sonny agreed that Alexis would be proud, but he steered the conversation to a lighter topic by asking who wanted tiramisu.

In Carly's office at Metro Court, John and Carly sipped Champagne. He thanked Carly for indulging him because he had wanted to celebrate, but he had few friends in Port Charles. Carly advised John to get some new friends if she was his only option. She held up her flute of Champagne and offered a toast. "Cheers to taking down the bad guys. Or the bad persons rather," she said. "I'll definitely drink to that," he replied, seemingly unaware of the undercurrent of hostility in Carly's words.

Carly asked how long John would remain in town, so he shared that he expected to be gone within the week. He confessed that he'd been in town longer than expected, but he was grateful for her help when she had found him injured on the docks. "What can I say but you're welcome," Carly said. John invited Carly to enjoy the rest of the Champagne as he stood up and retrieved his jacket. Carly followed John to the door.

John told Carly that he had really enjoyed her company. "Back at ya," she replied. She told him to give her a call if he ever found himself severely beaten again. "Will do," John said with a smile. "And good luck with whatever happens next," Carly added. John admitted that it had been awhile, but he felt as if luck was finally on his side. Carly watched him leave. "Not for long, you bastard," she softly said.

A short time later, Spinelli arrived. Carly was agitated because she was livid that John had used her as leverage to "basically hold Jason hostage" for nearly three years. Carly told Spinelli about John's recent visit. Concerned, Spinelli asked if John had tried anything, but she assured Spinelli that John hadn't touched her. However, Carly wished that John had because it would have given her an excuse to stab him. She picked up a letter opener to drive home her point.

Carly was upset that Jason had been away from his sons for years because he'd been trying to protect her, so she was determined to make things right. "I have to fix this," Carly insisted. To Spinelli's horror, Carly decided that she would go to John and invite John to arrest her because she'd rather go to jail than allow Jason to be blackmailed for one more minute. Spinelli asked Carly to consider what would happen to her children -- especially Donna -- if she ended up in prison. Carly argued that she didn't know how Donna could be more important than Jake and Danny.

Spinelli reminded Carly that both Jake and Danny still had their mothers, but Donna wouldn't if Carly went through with her plans. Spinelli explained that Jason had made the choice to cooperate with the FBI for that very reason, but Carly resented that Jason hadn't discussed it with her first. Spinelli admitted that he would have done the same for Maxie because he loved Maxie the same way that Jason loved Carly. Spinelli urged Carly to let it go if she truly loved Jason. Carly didn't know how, but Spinelli told her that it had already been done.

Spinelli explained that Jason's sacrifice would have been for nothing if she turned herself in. Carly reluctantly agreed to drop her plans, but she made it clear that she would not let the FBI use her as leverage. "How do you plan to stop them?" Spinelli asked. "I'll find a way -- and when I do, Agent Cates won't see me coming," Carly said.

At Finn's apartment, Tracy spoke to Brook Lynn on the phone. She assured her granddaughter that she'd spoken to Lois. After Tracy ended the call, Finn entered the living room and demanded to know where Violet was. Rather than answer him, Tracy asked if he had any idea what Violet had walked in on when Violet had found Finn passed out cold on the floor and bleeding. Finn's attitude shifted as he assured Tracy that he was sorry for what his daughter had witnessed, but Tracy wasn't satisfied because Finn had created the situation.

Finn turned defensive, but Tracy informed him that Violet had had the presence of mind to call her when she'd seen the missed calls from Tracy on his call log. "She told me that her father needed help. She thought he'd died," Tracy shared. Tracy explained that she had called 9-1-1, and she'd arrived at the apartment and found Violet scared out of her mind and hovering over Finn. Chastised, Finn apologized for how he'd spoken to Tracy earlier and for Tracy having to rush to his aid.

"I'm sorry that it came at Violet's expense," Finn added. He promised to make some coffee and clean up before he fetched Violet, but Tracy wasn't satisfied. She explained that he couldn't care for Violet until he could prove that he could care for himself. Finn's temper flared. He downplayed the events of the night and demanded to know where Violet was, but Tracy refused to be intimidated. She informed him that she'd reserved a room for him at Skymeadow Lodge with a minimum stay of 90 days.

Finn warned Tracy that she had overstepped. He insisted that he didn't need residential treatment, but he offered to attend meetings and do whatever was necessary to get his daughter back. Tracy insisted that Finn needed more than meetings, but he argued that it was his life, and Violet was his daughter. Suddenly, he realized that Violet was at the Quartermaine mansion. He threatened to go there to retrieve his daughter. "And if anybody tries to stop me, I'm calling the police," Finn vowed.

Tracy doubted Finn would get much help from the police once she showed them the photos she'd taken of Finn while he'd been passed out. Furious, Finn argued that Tracy couldn't take Violet from him, but Tracy stood firm. She reminded Finn that he wasn't the only one grieving for Gregory. Desperate, Finn promised to get himself back on track, but Tracy clarified that it was not a negotiation.

Tracy informed Finn that he would need to completely commit to his sobriety, or Tracy would use all her resources to make certain that Chase and Brook Lynn got custody of Violet. "Temporary or otherwise," she said. "Why are you doing this to me?" Finn asked. Tracy explained that it was about Violet -- not Finn. "Until you understand that, there's nothing left to say," Tracy told him. After Tracy left, Finn sat down, pulled out his phone, and looked at a photograph of him, Violet, and Gregory smiling for the camera.

At the Quartermaine mansion, Lois entered the foyer as Yuri greeted Chase, Brook Lynn, and Violet at the door. Lois smiled brightly as she promised Violet a fun night of staying up late, eating sweets, and doing "all the fun stuff." Meanwhile, Chase pulled Yuri aside to instruct Yuri to lock the front gates and notify the staff that Finn was not permitted on the premises. After Yuri left, Chase turned his attention back to his niece. Violet was concerned about her father, so Chase assured her that Tracy would take care of Finn. Lois was eager to spoil Violet, but Violet complained that her stomach hurt.

After Brook Lynn took Violet to the bathroom, Chase explained that Tracy had advised them to stay at the mansion because Finn might have spent the rest of the night pounding on the apartment door. Lois agreed that it would have been traumatizing for everyone, especially Violet. Chase shared that Finn had arrived home and found Gregory dead, and Violet was going through the same thing because Violet had feared that Finn had been dead when she had found him. He admitted that he was grateful that Violet had called Tracy because he didn't want to think about Violet spending all night in the apartment with Finn unconscious. Chase was certain that the memory would stick with Violet for the rest of her life.

Later, Chase made a phone call. After a brief exchange, he assured the person that they would be met at the gate. When Brook Lynn and Violet returned, Violet's mood was unchanged. Chase and Brook Lynn assured Violet that she was safe and that her father would be okay. Chase explained that Finn felt sick because he was sad. Violet worried that Finn would die like Gregory had, but Chase promised that the situations were different. Brook Lynn suggested they could help Finn by letting him take some time away to get better.

"What if he thinks I don't love him anymore?" Violet asked. Chase assured his niece that Finn would never think that, and the bond that Violet shared with her father would never change. They assured Violet that she had been brave, and they praised her for doing the right thing. When Lois returned, she offered to take Violet on a tour of the bedroom that Violet would be staying in. Brook Lynn promised to join Violet shortly and read to her.

Once they were alone, Brook Lynn offered her husband assurance that he'd done the right thing. Chase regretted that they weren't in Italy on their honeymoon, but Brook Lynn insisted that they were where they should be. "We've got this," she told him. Moments later, Yuri ushered Diane in. Chase and Brook Lynn filled Diane in about Finn's drinking and what Violet had walked in on. "Tell me what you need," Diane said.

Diane warned Chase that it would be an uphill battle, but Chase and Brook Lynn were determined to do everything in their power to keep Violet safe. Diane explained that the law was on Finn's side, but Chase could preempt Finn with an emergency custody order. Just then, Tracy arrived home. Tracy admitted that they might need a restraining order because she wasn't certain if she had gotten through to Finn. Tracy assured Chase and Brook Lynn that she had told Finn about the arrangements at Skymeadow Lodge, but Chase realized they couldn't force Finn into treatment.

Diane assured Chase that she could get everything filed first thing in the morning, but she would need a statement from Chase. Chase worried that Finn might show up at the mansion, but Tracy hoped Finn realized they were trying to save his relationship with Violet, not destroy it.

On the next General Hospital...


• Kristina tells Blaze about her plan regarding the baby.

• Sonny and Natalia toast to "finding our friends."

• "Everything I've sacrificed to protect you means nothing!" Jason yells at Carly.

• Brook Lynn tells Chase about Tracy's proposition.


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