* Everywhere at once (DAYS Two Scoops Commentary for March 26, 2007) | Soap Central

Everywhere at once

For the Week of March 26, 2007
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This past week, E.J. managed to shake down, threaten, or make some unholy deal with Sami, Celeste, Nick, Willow, and Philip. He was a busy little butterfly.

Hey everybody! I am so glad to back with you guys after all my personal drama. I will get to that at the end of this, but I want to get into this week on our favorite show.

Okay, you all know that I love E.J. and his portrayer James Scott. But with that said, why is E.J. so damn omnipotent these days? It like he is everywhere at the same time! And harassing everyone in town at all hours of the day and night. When does he have time to sleep? So this week E.J. has managed to shake down, threaten, or make some unholy deal with Sami, Celeste, Nick, Willow, Philip, and dropped the dime on Steve to Kayla and Marlena. He was a busy little butterfly this week. My favorite potential shakedown was Nick though. Why is it that out of everyone in town, Nick was the one who stood up to E.J. the most? Celeste kinda waffled and acted like she didn't know what he was talking about, Sami did her usual shriek and threaten and Willow showed up his apartment asking for the name of someone that would take Hope's hot jewelry off her hands after E.J. completely humiliated her last week. Nick on the other hand, stood directly up to E.J. and told him no means no. Now that probably won't bode too well for Nick in the future, as E.J. is a lot crazy and a little vindictive, but I really loved that Nick stuck to his guns and wouldn't help E.J. even with the promise of a shiny new sports car.

I couldn't help but be really mad at Steve this week. After he dumps Billie for his true love Kayla months and months ago, he broke out of the state hospital and makes a beeline straight to Billie spouting "You're the only one I can trust." What he actually should have said is that you are the only one I can trust not to immediately call the cops as soon as you see my crazy face, which gives me time to kidnap you. I know that Steve is under the famous DiMera Mind Control, but I felt really bad for Billie. Chelsea finally got hip to the fact that her mom and Nick slept together, which caused Chelsea to move in with Sami and Lucas, and then Billie's crazy ex-boyfriend kidnaps her and causes Billie's car to end up in a ditch. That, my friends, is a bad day.

I have to say though that I loved Marlena pepper spraying Steve. Twice. She told him that she would do whatever it took to keep him there and she meant it. Then, of course, after the second spritz she jumped on his back and gave him a syringe full of sedative. I liked how Billie jumped in and helped her, kinda like two-thirds of Charlie's Angels, because Kayla was simply not helpful in this situation. I know that she loves her husband, but she as a doctor must realize that Steve is not himself right now and she can't love him out of it. I felt Marlena's pain when they were in the car and Kayla refused to let her call Roman for backup so Kayla could have "one more chance" to try to reason with Steve. That's a hell of a thing to ask someone who's husband's kidney you just removed because the person that you are trying to reason with kidnapped him from the hospital. I'm glad Marlena went behind her back and called Roman anyway.

Why can't Belle get a backbone and make sense all in the same week? I loved how (I believe it was the 3/15 show) when Shawn tried to go all macho and "end of discussion" on her, she threw it right back at him (And his excuse for wanting to leave was about the stupidest thing I have ever heard). That said, why would she try to call her mom? I know that she misses her, but Belle also has to be aware of the fact that Philip is really, really, rich and really, really crooked, which means that he probably has her mother's phone tapped. And Bo and Hope, the phone in John's hospital room, Roman, Max, Maggie and anyone else that Belle and Shawn could possibly contact. But that's just a subjective thing I guess, because I'm not sure that I could go the rest of my life without talking to my mom either, but I'm pretty sure that I will never jump off a cruise ship in the middle of the ocean. But I digress. Shawn and Belle then proceeded to have the same argument about why they are not together. I hate to say it, but I understand why Shawn is so frustrated. I'm not even trying to sleep with Belle and she is getting on my nerves. I really think that she is confused, but I also truly believe that she is trying to punish him for being with anyone but her in the past. I hope everyone is comfortable, because I'm sure we will be watching Shawn jump through hoops for months to come.

I just wanted to take a second down at the end here so I'm not holding you guys hostage, to say to everyone who sent me well wishes and prayers how much they meant to me. For those who didn't know, my father passed away on March 12. Not to get into too long of an explanation, but the man I refer to (and will forever) as my father was my stepfather. He was also my boss, my mentor and my friend. He loved my mother beyond all reason, and treated my brother and I like his children from day one. He had the kindest and gentlest spirit of anyone I have EVER met. Just to give an example, there is a girl that works for us that is a single mom to three young kids. She was moving into a nice place, which happens to be almost directly behind my parent's house. Well, her boyfriend at the time told he would get her a moving van, and then true to form did not come through. She absolutely had to be out of her house that day. My dad went to pick her up with his pick-up truck so my mom and he could help her move her things. When he walked into her house and saw that she did not have a bed of her own but was sleeping on the floor and that the furniture that she had worked very hard to buy for her kids was starting to fall apart, he made a detour to the furniture store and bought her all new furniture. I can give you literally hundreds of examples of things like that that he did for people, including myself. I'm not trying to get too maudlin here, but I just wanted to thank everyone who took the time out to send me an email and to tell you guys that sometimes you can choose your family and I'm glad that Daddy chose us to be part of his.

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