Deacon can't accept that Tom died of a drug overdose

The Bold and the Beautiful Recap for Tuesday, July 2, 2024
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Tuesday, July 2, 2024

At Bill's house, Poppy was having coffee in the living room. She flashed back to her argument with Tom the previous night and seemed worried. Bill surprised her when he entered the room. She'd thought he'd be at work. He took a look at her and asked if something was going on. He assumed she'd been crying. She tried to deny it but admitted to being emotional. Insisting upon hearing about it, Bill said there was nothing she couldn't tell him.

Bill told Poppy that there was nothing he couldn't fix. Poppy knew it but said it was a lot. He asked if she meant he was a lot. All of it was a lot, according to Poppy, from the paternity tests to waking up to Bill each morning, knowing he was Luna's father. She was overwhelmed. It had been so unlike all the fears she'd harbored about how things would be. It was as if the life she'd known had died. He said it was for the better. "Much better," she added.

Unable to thank Bill enough, Poppy asked if he had to go to the office. She dropped her robe, exposing her nightie. She said she wanted to show him what life with him meant to her.

Later, Poppy and Bill cuddled on the sofa, naked beneath some covers. His phone chimed, and she insisted he see if it was one of his kids. Bill had received a news alert about someone who looked familiar, a person named Tom Starr. Bill recognized Tom as a busboy and reported to Poppy that he'd died at the restaurant the previous night. "Died?" Poppy said in disbelief. Bill told her that Tom had collapsed on stage.

Poppy asked what had happened to Tom. Bill read further and said it had been a drug overdose. Shaken and tearful, Poppy said, "That's so horrible." Bill said one heard about tragedies like that every day, and he was glad his family hadn't been touched by it. Bill stated that the poor guy was gone, and life could be fleeting. Poppy called it tragic.

Bill thanked Poppy for his daughter. Poppy recalled that she and Luna had struggled for years to hold their lives together and had barely made ends meet. She'd done her best to raise Luna in a safe environment. Bill said Poppy didn't have to worry anymore. He'd always care for them. Poppy replied that his love had changed their lives. Bill said Luna could depend on him. Poppy concluded that it was what made it all worthwhile. Bill held her, and she looked worried.

At Il Giardino, Deacon had coffee at the bar as he and Hollis reeled from the events of the previous night. Finn arrived, saying he'd heard about Tom's death at the hospital. Deacon thanked Finn for coming and said he had to know what had happened to Tom.

Hollis and Deacon agreed that it was a shame. Tom, who'd been a sweet guy, had been trying to make a new start for himself. Hollis noted that Tom had gotten shaky and unsteady on stage. Deacon figured that Finn might know something, and Finn revealed that it had been a drug overdose.

It didn't make sense to Deacon and Hollis. Finn replied that the full toxicology report was still in process, but Tom's presentation had been textbook. Deacon, Hollis, and Finn lamented Tom's death. Deacon remarked that Tom had never forgotten a face. Finn said it was awful that Tom had had friends and a lot to live for, but drugs had taken it all away. Deacon didn't get it because Tom hadn't been using anything. He didn't understand why Tom would go back to it.

Finn reasoned that relapses happened. Deacon said Tom had been up-front about his history of drug abuse, and he'd sworn he'd kicked the habit. Deacon said it wasn't the guy Finn knew, the guy who'd saved Sheila, or the guy Finn had seen working there. Finn agreed but said people could function with addictions. Deacon insisted that Tom had been looking forward and reclaiming his life. It didn't make sense that he'd start using again.

Deacon decided not to make final judgments until the report on Tom was done. Finn said the news had picked it up, and Deacon would have to deal with news vans. Upset, Deacon said people didn't throw away second chances. "Look at your mom," Deacon considered. Finn didn't want to go there and said he'd just arrived to talk about Tom. Finn didn't want to make it a habit or risk running into Sheila. He had to honor his wife's wishes, and his family came first.

Deacon was thankful Finn had stopped by, even if Deacon hadn't liked the news. Finn thought of how drug addictions ruined families, and he asked if Tom had had kids. Deacon said that there were none that he was aware of.

In the design office, Luna was cataloging dresses when Zende entered. He offered to return later, but she said it was fine if he stayed. Noting that she seemed chill, he said he'd heard that she'd found out who her father was. Guessing it had to be surreal, Zende remarked that it was as if she'd discovered she was a princess.

Luna hadn't thought of it that way, but she didn't see herself as a princess. The money was new to her, but it blew her mind that she had an extended family. Zende smiled because Poppy had finally told Luna what Luna had always wanted to know. Luna told him about the paternity reveal, and he said it was official. She was Bill Spencer's daughter. She stated that one of the biggest mysteries in her life had been solved. Her whole life, she'd thought her dad was dead, but as it had turned out, he was very much alive.

Luna told Zende that she'd almost given up, but she'd found out who her father was. She was excited to get to know him. Zende called her amazing. She reasoned that Bill could have been angry to have another kid show up out of the blue, and he hadn't had to accept her. She said he had, and she'd had an amazing connection with Bill even before they'd known. The DNA test had confirmed it, and an instant bond had formed. She revealed that Bill even wanted to adopt her. Zende was glad she was finally getting to have her father in her life.

Luna stated that it had been a roller coaster, but she was thrilled to finally know her father.

On the next The Bold and the Beautiful...


• Poppy tries to make peace with Li

• Hope tells Brooke she'll put a stop to her feelings for Finn

• Ridge tells Steffy that he wants Brooke on the executive team



The Bold and the Beautiful's Matthew Atkinson is back
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