* A piece of justice? (B&B Two Scoops Commentary for July 14, 2008) | Soap Central

A piece of justice?

For the Week of July 14, 2008
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A piece of justice?
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A day of Taylor and Rick between the sheets was a bit too much love for one day. Don't these people work anymore? And if Taylor is so concerned about Jack, where is the little guy?

This week, we're taking a break from the usual routine and re-introducing you to Allison. She will be joining Kristine in the Two Scoops section, as the two alternate weeks to give you fresh insight and, possibly, some different opinions about the show. We'd like to know what you think of Allison's column, so drop us a line and let us know what you think.

It was an interesting week on The Bold and The Beautiful, starting with the spiffy new filming techniques. Did you notices the changes in the style of editing, the extra emphasis on hot bods with groovy music, the establishing shots showing sped up traffic. I'm wondering if it's really true innovation or just imitation innovation? It seems forced to me. B&B doesn't need it; just concentrate on good storytelling and stop worrying about the editing and camerawork.

The Taylor and Rick storyline, for instance, needs work. Rick has a severe case of cougar-itus (younger man/older woman). A day of Taylor and Rick between the sheets was a bit too much love for me. Don't these people work anymore? And if Taylor is so concerned about Jack, where is the little guy? Babies don't take care of themselves. Here's the scene I want to see: the two of them in the kitchen, she's trying to feed oatmeal to the baby and it's in her hair. Rick is on the phone to Paris and can't hear anything because Jack is wailing.

I liked the story of Steffy's secret passageway at Forrester, especially when she showed Marcus her inscription in the wall from ten years ago, but something struck me odd. Didn't the Forresters move into a new building when Nick bought Forrester Creations? How could Steffy have an inscription in the wall of this building?

Still, Steffy and Marcus are sweet together. And I know I've said it before, but will nobody ever acknowledge that Marcus is African-American? Are the Logans and Forresters completely okay with interracial romance? Am I prejudice in even wondering why they're not talking about it?

Didn't you love how Eric insisted on a new wedding dress for Bridget? And when she began to tell him how to design the dress -- that was perfect. Eric is continuing to be my favorite character, even though he is a bit of a stereotype by falling for a younger woman. But, here's the thing, why are the Forrester kids so judgmental about Eric and the trophy wife? Wasn't Brooke a trophy wife, too? And 20 years from now, do you think Ridge won't be trading Brooke in for a younger model?

I realize that they're trying to balance the Eric/Donna story with Rick/Taylor, but it's not the same. This new marriage for Eric would have been more complicated with Jackie because she is Stephanie's peer, not a nymphet like Donna. Also, with her background in fashion, would Ridge and Felicia and Thorne be able to object to Jackie's involvement in the business?

I think their objecting to Donna is all about her age and sex appeal. What Eric should be telling his children is that Donna's right for him because of her good "character" and that Stephanie pushed him away because of her lack thereof. Stephanie's actions ended their marriage, not her age or lack of sexual appeal.

As for Stephanie, I can't tell if she's really feeling sorry for herself or she just doesn't know what to do with herself. Maybe she should open a restaurant or start a new business or go back to school! If she ever wants to impress Eric and win him back, she needs to get off her butt.

Didn't you think Katie and Nick's one-on-one basketball was lame? I give the show credit for coming up with a new way to show two people drawn together using a physical encounter. It underscored how much they really belong together, that was the point. They should have taken it outside with a real basketball. Also, Nick Marone needs to cut those rock star locks!

The wedding was soap-typical; everything planned in one week! Give me a break. The scene with Brooke and the pearls bothered me. Come on, this is Bridget's third wedding, right? Hasn't Brooke proffered great-grandma's pearls before? Then, Taylor and Rick showed up. Again, come on! If you were Taylor, would you go to your ex-husband's wedding? She could have sent baby Jack with Rick and gone to her office. Sometimes the writers don't think "real world" situation.

Of course, the switcheroo at the wedding was a big tease. Bridget dragged out telling Katie why the Justice of the Peace was there for her, why she should be at the altar. It was cruel! Didn't she know how it sounded to Katie? Bridget has more sensitivity.

The ceremony was like a knife in Katie's new heart. How could they expect her not to break? We were left with Katie stopping the wedding to express her true feelings! ARGH!! I hate that B&B ends with four minutes left of commercials. I want those four minutes to be more stories, not commercials.

So, here I am, on the edge of my seat -- again! Will Katie fess up that she wants Nick for herself and run from the room? Will she do the noble thing and finish the wedding, swallowing her heartache for the sake of Bridget's happiness? Is Nick going to open his mouth and say that Katie's right, he should be with her? I can tell you my guess, but it's more fun just to play it out.

In fact, in this spoiler nation in which we live, some of the joy of letting the story unfold is gone. That's why I'm not going to try to find out before it airs. I'm going to tune in and watch. It's pretty delicious that way, you know, even if every Friday leaves you wanting more!

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Allison J. Waldman
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