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Night Shift Recaps: Daily Recaps Archives | 2008 on NS
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Tuesday, September 23rd, 2008

Brothers & Sisters

Patrick walked into the supply closet and was shocked to find Toussaint and Epiphany making out. The door shut behind him, and soon he realized he was locked in the room with the two lovebirds. There was no cell phone signal, so there was nothing to do but wait for someone to come rescue them. Epiphany sensed Patrick's frustration and asked if he had gotten into a fight with Robin. Patrick told Epiphany that he and Robin had, in fact, been fighting. Epiphany asked if it had anything to do with a hot, young FBI agent. Toussaint laughed at Epiphany's description of Jagger, but Patrick was saved from answering when Claire opened the door and discovered them. Before Epiphany and Patrick parted ways, she told Patrick to make it right by Robin. Patrick and Robin were family.

Meanwhile, Robin awoke at home to the sounds of her father trying desperately to open a childproof prescription bottle. As soon as Robert sat down in the living room, there was a knock at the door. Robin quickly answered the door to find Jagger and his son. Stone went immediately to Robert's side and they started talking about rocks. Jagger helped Robin make the hide-a-bed so she could get some water for her father. When Robin spilled the water on Robert, she decided it was time for her to get to work. She quickly rushed out the door, having decided to get dressed into her scrubs once she got to work.

At General Hospital, Robin checked her email and listened/watched a video message from Patrick. He apologized for the way he acted when she had first told him she was going to give Jagger some money. She walked out of the nurses' lounge and found Jagger reading up on autism books in the waiting area. They talked briefly about his return to Port Charles, until the topic turned to their close encounter at the hotel. They both apologized and said they only wanted to be friends. Both Robin and Jagger agreed to forget about their "almost kiss."

Meanwhile, Kyle did his best to cheer up his good friend, Claire. He thought she was still upset about losing Ryan, but in reality, Claire was still bothered by the fact that she had slept with Leo. Kyle, Claire, Leo, and Saira all ran into each other just as Leo and Kyle's mother walked into the hospital. Kyle seemed ecstatic to see his mother, but Leo just seemed shocked. Kyle and Leo introduced Claire and Saira to Mother Julian before Kyle and Leo left to do rounds. Leo's mother took the opportunity to get to know Saira and Claire while her boys were working. Claire commented that the elder woman must be very proud of her boys, but Mrs. Julian said Claire's parents must have been equally proud of their daughter. Claire said she only looked good on paper, because she tended to make bad decisions. Mrs. Julian said Claire was still young and there was always tomorrow. The woman decided to take her two boys, Claire, and Saira out to dinner the next night when they were all off work.

During rounds, Kyle and Leo meet Eric, a young man with cirrhosis of the liver. Eric commented that he hadn't even gotten the disease the fun way - drinking. Eric was on the transplant list, but he wasn't very high up there for a new liver. When Eric's parents came into the room, Leo asked if Eric had any siblings. A relative would prove to be the best match for Eric's liver. Eric did indeed have a sister, but they hadn't been in contact with her for years. Leo suggested that it was time for someone to pick up the phone.

After everyone had left, Kyle stayed behind in Eric's rooms to check his vitals. They talked and flirted a bit as Eric revealed he was gay. He also told Kyle about his sister becoming pregnant as a teenager and his parents choosing to disown her. Kyle understood how parents weren't always as understanding as their children would hope them to be. Eric asked what had happened when Kyle's parents found out he was gay, and Kyle seemed shocked his sexuality had been so apparent. Eric said he had been hoping Kyle was gay. Kyle said when he had told his parents about his sexual orientation, they had said they were fine with it but no one had talked about it since then.

Eric's sister, Sylvia, showed up at the hospital and had very little to say to her parents. She was tested and found to be a match for Eric's liver. Unfortunately, Sylvia didn't want to go through with the surgery. She was a single mother to three children. She couldn't afford the time off and couldn't risk something happening to herself.

Claire did her best to get out of dinner with the Julians, but Kyle said he needed his best friend with him. Besides, he didn't want Claire to be alone after having lost Ryan. Claire conceded and went to dinner with Kyle and his family. During dinner, the atmosphere was very tense. Kyle and Leo both made nasty comments about each other, and Claire became very uncomfortable when Kyle commented about the usual "skanks" Leo usually hung out with. It all became too much for Claire and she excused herself to the restroom. Kyle followed her and asked what was going on. Claire finally admitted she had slept with Leo. A furious Kyle stomped back to the table and punched his brother in front of everyone. Mrs. Julian pulled her two boys aside and yelled at them for embarrassing her. Neither Kyle nor Leo told their mother what they had been fighting about, though. Kyle ranted about the family ignoring his sexuality as if he had never announced he was gay. Leo yelled about how he had always felt like Kyle was the golden child and could do no wrong. Leo explained that he didn't feel like he could ever live up to Kyle. Mrs. Julian said she didn't know what she and Mr. Julian had done wrong, but the boys had brought joy into her life. They needed to figure out how to get along, though, because sooner or later the two brothers would only have each other left in the world.

Patrick talked to Robert during one of his treatments and said Robin's father was to blame for Robin being so private about her emotions. Robert had never been around for Robin when she was growing up, but Robert thought that had made his daughter stronger. He thought it was Patrick's fault for Robin being so closed off.

Later, Robin met up with her father and he apologized for not being around as much when she was younger. Robin admitted she was scared of marrying Patrick because her own parents' marriage had failed. Robert told his daughter that she would have to learn to take risks if she was going to live a life worth living.



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